Super Mario 64
Pilotwings 64
Turok 1
Turok 2 uncut
Turok 3 uncut
Star Wars Shadow of the Empire
Wave Race 64
1080° Snowboarding
NHL 99
Mario Kart 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Zelda 2 Majora`s Mask
Buck Rumble
Beetle Adventure Racing
Jet Force Gemini
Castlevania 64
Mystical Ninja 1
Mystical Ninja 2
Conker`s Bad Fur Day
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
San Fransisco Rush
Lamborghini Racing
Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey
Extreme G 2
Virtual Chess
Lode Runner 3D
F-Zero X
Nuclear Strike 64
Ridge Racer 64
Resident Evil 2
World Driver Championship
ISS 64
Perfect Dark
Golden Eye
Doom 64
Quake I
Quake II
Duke Nukem 64
Duke Nukem Zero Hour
Mortal Kombat Mythologies SUB ZERO
007 Twine The World is not enough
Mischief Makers
Space Station Silicon Valley
Batman of the Future - Return of the Joker
Body Harvest
Blast Corps
Forsaken 64
Yoshi`s Story
Hexen 64
Excitebike 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Snap
Hybrid Heaven
Pilotwings 64 jap.
Sin and Punishmant jap
Ogre Battle 64 Jap
Indiana Jones US